


Mats Valk

Nationality: Netherlands

3x3 cube champion of WCA European Championship 2018

3x3 single Euro record holder

Multiple Dutch speedcube national records holder

Set 3x3 speedcubing world record 2 times.

Set 4x4 speedcubing world record 3 times.

Set Euro records for 17 times.

Set Dutch records for 131 times.

Since now, Mats Valk has won 269 champions in cubing competitions.

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Lukas Shelley

Nationality: Denmark

Set 3x3 cube Denmark national record for 1 time.

Since now, Lukas Shelley has won 9 champions in cubing competitions.


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Abdelhak Kaddour

Nationality: France

6x6 7x7 cube Champion of French Championship 2018

France 5x5 6x6 7x7 cube national record holder

Set France national record for 67 times.

Since now, Abdelhak Kaddour has won 65 champions in cubing competitions

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Anish Rajesh

Nationality: India

5x5 6x6 7x7 cube champion of Indian Nationals 2018

Indian 5x5 6x6 7x7 national record holder

Set Indian national record for 36 times.

Since now, Anish Rajesh has won 81 champions in cubing competitions.

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Antonie Paterakis

Nationality: Greece

2x2 cube champion of  World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

2x2 cube champion of WCA European Championship 2018

Multiple speedcube national records holder of Greece, all-round cuber.

Set Euro record for 1 time.

Set Greece national records for 299 times.

Since now, Antonie Paterakis has won 109 champions in cubing competitions.

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Bhargav Narasimhan

Nationality: India

One-handed champion of Indian Nationals 2017

One-handed champion of Indian Nationals 2018

Indian one-handed national record holder.

Set Asian records for 2 times.

Set Indian national records for 39 times.

Since now, Bhargav Narasimhan has won 173 champions in cubing competitions.

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Bill Wang

Nationality: Canada

4x4 blindfolded event champion of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

3x3,4x4,5x5,3x3 blindfolded, 4x4 blindfolded events champion of Canadian Open 2015

Multiple speedcube national records holder of Canada

Set Canada 3x3 event national records for 12 times.

Set North America records for 9 times.

Set Canada national records for 65 times.

Since now,Bill Wang  has won 109 champions in cubing competitions.

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Blake  Thompson

Nationality: USA

Set North America records for 2 times.

Since now,Blake Thompson has won 61 champions in cubing competitions.

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Dario  Roa

Nationality: Spain

Multiple speedcube national records holder of Spain

Set Spain national  records for 73 times

Since now,Dario Roa has won 97 champions in cubing competitions.

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Hariz  Azizan

Nationality: Malaysia

3x3 event champion of Malaysian Cube Championship 2017

3x3 speedcubing record holder of Malaysia

Set Malaysia 3x3 event national records for 6 times.

Since now,Hariz Azizan has won 14 champions in cubing competitions.

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Henri Gerber


All-round cuber

3rd place of 2X2 event, European Championship 2016

3rd place of 3x3 with feet, World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

3rd place of 3x3 with feet, European Championship 2018

Set meagminx single Euro record for 1 time.

Set Germany national records fro 14 times.

Since now Henri Gerber has won 31 champions in cubing competitions.

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Jayden McNeill


All-around cuber.

2x2 event 3rd place of  World Rubik's Cube Championship 2015

Skewb event 2nd place of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2015

Sq1 event champion of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

Set Skewb world records for 2 times.

Set Oceania records for 52 times.

Total single ranking No.1 of the world.

Total average ranking No.2 of the world.

Since now Jayden McNeill has won 195 champions in cubing competitions.

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Jonah Crosby


All-around cuber.

Since now, Jonah Crosby has won 40 champions in cubing competitions.

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Jonatan Kłosko


Skewb event champion of Polish Open 2014

Skewb event champion of Polish Open 2015

Skewb event 2nd place of Polish Open 2016

Set Skewb event Poland nation records for 2 times.

Set Skewb event world records for 9 times

Since now, Jonatan Kłosko has won 29 champions in cubing competitions.

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Juan Pablo Huanqui


Megaminx event champion of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

Megaminx single world record holder.

Megaminx average SaR holder.

Set SaR for 17 times.

Set Peru national record for 16 times.

Since now, Juan Pablo Huanqui has won 54 champions in cubing competitions.

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Juliette Sébastien


OH event 3rd place of European Championship 2018

OH event 3rd place of French Championship 2018

OH event 2rd place of French Championship 2017

OH event 2rd place, 2x2, 7x7, megaminx 3rd place of French Championship 2016

France OH single national record holder

Set France national records for 5 times.

Since now, Juliette Sébastien has won 31 champions in cubing competitions.

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Justin Mallari

Nationality: USA

OH single world ranking 6, average world ranking 7

Ste NaR for 2 times.

Set USA national records for 2 times.

Since now, Justin Mallari has won 32 champions in cubing competitions.

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Kian Mansour

Nationality: Canada

OH average world ranking 2.

OH Canada national record holder

Set OH world record for 1 time.

Set OH Canada national record for 2 times.

Since now, Kian Mansour has won 8 champions in cubing competitions.

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Michał Pleskowicz

Nationality: Poland

Champion of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2011

2x2 event champion of European Championship 2014

OH single Euro record holder

Set OH world records for 5 times.

Set Euro records for 17 times.

Set Poland national records for 19 times.

Since now, Michał Pleskowicz has won 160 champions in cubing competitions.

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Myagmardorj Ulziijargal

Nationality: Mongolia

Multiple Mongolia speedcube national records holder

Set Mongolia national records for 40 times.

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Patrick Ponce

Nationality: USA

4X4, megaminx event 2nd place, 5x5, OH 3rd place of CubingUSA Nationals 2018

3X3, 4x4. OH event 2nd place, 6x6 3rd place of CubingUSA Nationals 2017

3x3 event 2nd place, 4x4 3rd place of CubingUSA Nationals 2016

3x3 single NaR holder

Set 3x3 world record for 1 time.

Since now, Patrick Ponce has won 94 champions in cubing competitions.

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Rasmus Stub Detlefsen

Nationality: Denmark

SQ1 event champion of European Championship 2018

SQ1 average world record holder

Set world records for 2 times

Set Euro records for 2 times.

Set Denmark national records for 6 time.

Since now, Rasmus Stub Detlefsen has won 12 champions in cubing competitions.

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Robert Yau

Nationality: Britain

Inventor of Yau method

Fewest step event 3rd place of European Championship 2018

5x5 event 2nd place of European Championship 2016

Fewest step event 3rd place of European Championship 2012

Multiple Britain speedcube national records holder

Set Britain national records for 120 times.

Set Euro records for 2 times.

Since now, Robert Yau has won 202 champions in cubing competitions.

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Nationality: Korea

3x3 event, 5x5 event 2nd place of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

3x3,4x4,5x5, OH event champion of Asian Championship 2016

Multiple Korea speedcube national records holder

Set 3x3 event AsR for 6 times.

Set 4x4 event AsR for 12 times

Set 5x5 event AsR for 13 times

Set AsR for 34 times.

Set Korea national records for 21 times.

Since now, Seung-HyukNahm has won 53 champions in cubing competitions.

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Yu Da-Hyun

Nationality: Korea

Megaminx champion of Asian Championship 2014

Megaminx average world record holder

4x4 average female world records holder

4x4 blindfolded, 5x5 blindfolded female world record holder.

Megaminx single world ranking No.2

Set megaminx world records for 7 times.

Set megaminx world records for 8 times.

Since now, Yu Da-Hyun has won 17 champions in cubing competitions.

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Berta García Parra

Nationality: Spain

3x3 blindfolded champion of European Championship 2016

3x3 blindfolded single/average Spain national record holder

3x3 multi-blind 2nd , 3x3 blindfolded 3rd of European Championship 2018

Set 3x3 blindfolded Euro records for 1 time

Set blindfolded Spain national records for 26 times.

Since now, Berta García Parra has won 66 champions in cubing competitions.


Sheng Cao

Nationality: China

China all events single/average both ranking No.1

Megaminx event 2nd of Asian Championship 2016

Set megaminx single China national records for 2 times.

Since now, Sheng Cao has won 88 champions in cubing competitions.


Lin Chen

Nationality: China

6x6, 7x7 champion of Asian Championship 2016

OH 3rd place of Asian Championship 2016

6x6, 7x7 champion of China Championship 2016

Set 7x7 world record single for 6 times.

Set 7x7 world record average for 6 times.

Set 6x6 AsR single for 6 times.

Set 6x6 AsR single for 8 times.

Set OH single AsR for 1 time.

Set OH average AsR fro 1 time.

Since now, Lin Chen has won 111 champions in cubing competitions.


Yucheng Chen

Nationality: China

3x3 multi-blind champion of Asian Championship 2016

3x3 multi-blind champion of China Championship 2017

Set 3x3 multi-blind AsR for 3 times

3x3 multi-blind China national record holder.

Since now, Yucheng Chen has won 27 champions in cubing competitions.


Xin Shi

Nationality: China

5x5 blindfolded 3rd place of Asian Championship 2016

3x3 multi-blind 3rd place of China Championship 2015

Since now, Xin Shi has won 22 champions in cubing competitions.


Yi Wang

Nationality: China

Pyraminx champion of  Asian Championship 2016

Pyraminx 2nd place of Asian Championship 2014

Set Pyraminx single China national records for 3 times.

Set Pyraminx average China national records for 9 times.

Since now, Yi Wang has won 44 champions in cubing competitions.


Xiaojie Jiang

Nationality: China

3x3 with feet champion of Asian Championship 2016

3x3 with feet champion of China Championship 2015,China Championship 2017

Set 3x3 with feet average AsR for 1 time.

Set 3x3 with feet single China national record for 1 time.

Since now, Xiaojie Jiang has won 11 champions in cubing competitions


Kai Su

Nationality: China

7x7 champion of Asian Championship 2016

6x6 single ranking No. 6 of China

6x6 average ranking No. 5 of China

Since now, Kai Su has won 18 champions in cubing competitions


Zijia Feng

Nationality: China

Sq1 2nd place of Asian Championship 2016

Set Sq1 world record for 1 time.

Set Sq1 AsR for 2 times.

Set Sq1 China national record for 1 time.

Set clock China national record for 3 times.

Since now, Zijia Feng  has won 67 champions in cubing competitions


Yulun Wu

Nationality: China

Pyraminx 2nd place of World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017

Pyraminx 2nd place of Asian Championship 2016

Set pyraminx world record for 1 time.

Ser pyraminx AsR for 1 time.

Set pyraminx China national record for 1 time.

Since now, Yulun Wu has won 21 champions in cubing competitions


Yueling Cai

5x5 event 2nd and 7x7 3rd of Asian Championship 2012

5x5 event 2nd and 7x7 2rd of Asian Championship 2015

Set 5x5 event AsR for 2 times.

Set Taiwan records for 20 times.

Since now, Yueling Cai has won 28 champions in cubing competitions


Guohao Wu

Nationality: China

6x6 event 3rd of Asian Championship 2016

6x6 event and 7x7 event champion of Taiwan Championship 2017

6x6 event and 7x7 event 3rd place of Taiwan Championship 2016

Set Taiwan records for 21 times.

Since now, Guohao Wu has won 26 champions in cubing competitions


Zhiwei Zhang

Nationality: China

4x4 event 3rd place of Asian Championship 2016

Set Taiwan records for 4 times.

Since now, Zhiwei Zhang has won 19 champions in cubing competitions